Your Piggies!
I adore your piggies! Seeing them on their new liners makes my heart so happy! Please feel free to email me with your pics if you would like them to be added to this page! Tell us a little about them too!

Rescued from an awful pet store. Now living the good life. Scotty is her hooman

Ruby's hooman is Bedheads and Wigpigs on IG. She is 5yo, soooo beautiful and has the cutest hoarse wheek that can easily be picked out from a crowd. Shes living the spoiled life with 2 of her liter mates and 3 abby sisters! She looks goregous on pink!

Red's human is Bedheads and Wigpigs on IG. Red is Ruby’s litter mate, and is the most handsome boy! He was inbred by unethical breeders in Texas, and despite recent health problems and inbreeding, he is still happy! He is so chill yet has the most magnetic personality. He’s obsessed with cushy fleece and hideys and can be a bit of a cry baby piggie, but it only makes him more lovable!

Bedheads and Wigwags writes, Mabel aka Mae-Mae aka “car alarm” (for her ear-splitting wheeks) is a beautiful little magpie abby who was rehomed to us after being bullied by much larger bonded sisters. She was traumatized due to the bullying, but has been happy and and living with her herd for 3 years. Like all the piggies in our family, she is deeply cherished and loved.

Meeko & Dexter
Meeko (roan abby) & Dexter Maximilian's human is Kat. Meeko was rescued from a hoarding situation and was at Wee Companions rescue for 2.5 years before Kat adopted him! Dexter is about 2 yo and was adopted from The Rescue Garden. He LOVES a good chin scratch!

Maui's human is Kat, shes a volunteer at an LA animal shelter! Maui is 5yo, a big mamas boy and is partially blind/deaf. He is named Maui from Moana!

Petunia and her bff Adeliade were adopted by their human Kylie after she made a post on a FB group. They are absolutely gorgeous girls and we are thrilled they love their Plush Piggie liner!

Binks (all blk) & Gizmo
Binks and Gizmo's human is Heather. Gizmo was saved from a pet store after he was marked down 75%. He was very sad. Now he's beyond happy with his besf friend Binks.

Chompers & Kiwi
Chomper's and Kiwi also live with pig mom Heather. These boys are so cute and sooo loved by their family! These boys are brothers!

Wilbur is too cute and his human posts the most adorable pics of him and Fred on IG. Follow them the_real_pigs_of_sanmateo
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